CHANEL 24C DENIM VEST JACKET Condition grade B+ ...
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CHANEL 24C DENIM VEST JACKET Condition grade B+ ...
Estimate £800 - £1,200
Condition grade B+.
Size 40. 96cm chest, 57cm length. Featured in the Cruise 2024 collection. Black and white denim with CHANEL logos, multicolour floral sequin accents, sequin CC logos, pink fabric trim with black and silver fabric overlay with small sequins. Composition 100% cotton. Lining composition 100% cotton.
Fees apply: 25% (excl VAT) up to and including £500,000 for each individual lot, 20% on the excess up to £3,000,000 and 12% in excess of £3,000,000. - Bid Calculator
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